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have a nosy

take a nosefie 

When it comes to adapting The Nose, by Gogol (novel) and Shostakovich (opera), what would make us panick as bad in modern day life if we lose it? Of course a nose would, but what about something that doesn't mean getting disfigured?


Smartphones, is the conclusion here. Phones today are not solely used for the purpose of making calls, but perhaps more about making contact with the world, and being 'Nosy'. This piece is composed of noses carved out of bread, which you need to take a selfie with it before taking, and a mask with a secret smartphone installed within. The idea of a mask that has a removable nose, came from the question of how do we re-present the losing of a nose on stage.     


2020 Shih-lien Eugene Yen

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